Canela Michelle Meyers

Canela Michelle Meyers

Canela Michelle Meyers was born in Calgary, Alberta along with her twin brother Mike. She was given the name of Michelle at the time of her birth and later let go of all of her names to explore identification – who was she if not this ‘Michelle’? She adopted the name ‘Canela’ at that time which meant nothing to her except cinnamon in Spanish, although sweet and spicy, not so serious. After identification was dropped from the names, she re-embraced ‘Michelle’, which happened to go along nicely with Canela. Canela Michelle was born a sensitive empathic, experiencing the world as energy and was happy and relieved to eventually find the healing modality of ReiKi which gave her the space to utilize these attributes that were as natural to her as the shape of her nose or color of her eyes. A wonderful side effect of practicing ReiKi is being totally present while practicing in order to ‘hear’ the ReiKi. ReiKi means Universal Energy in Japanese, Love Consciousness Speaking.