Parker J. Palmer

Parker J. Palmer

Parker J. Palmer is founder of the national Center for Courage & Renewal, which supports people in the serving professions (including education, medicine, ministry, law, philanthropy and non-profit leadership), as well as people in other walks of life. For fifteen years, he served as Senior Associate of the American Association of Higher Education. A writer, traveling teacher and activist, Dr. Palmer focuses on issues in education, community, leadership, spirituality and social change. He has published a dozen poems, some two hundred essays, and seven books, including several best-selling and award-winning titles: A Hidden Wholeness, Let Your Life Speak, The Courage to Teach, and The Company of Strangers. His newest book, Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit, was published in August, 2011. Dr. Palmer holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, Berkeley. He lives with his wife, Sharon Palmer, in Madison, Wisconsin. 998 characters including spaces