Yvonne Perry

Yvonne Perry

Yvonne Perry (LavendarRose) is the successful author of numerous books, such as Whose Stuff Is This? Finding Freedom from the Thoughts, Feelings and Energy of Those Around You, and The Sid Series, of twelve children’s stories. She is also a metaphysical teacher and speaker with a desire to help people transform their limiting beliefs. Living her life in Nashville, Tennessee, Yvonne is an author, podcast host, blogger, and outstanding keynote speaker. She is a graduate of the American Institute of Holistic Theology, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Metaphysics. She has also received the Distinguished Toastmaster Award for her exemplary speaking skills. She is often invited to speak at events on such topics as near-death experience, the afterlife, psychic gifts, and spiritual transformation. Contact her at weare1inspirit.com.