Janeen Detrick

Janeen Detrick

Janeen Detrick, a Personal Development Coach through Prosper, Inc., in Provo, Utah, helps people globally to clear blocks and create miracles! She has a 30 year career as a real estate investor and real estate broker. Janeen studied theology at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri, and received her Bachelors and Master of Sciences through the University of Metaphysical Sciences. She is currently a Doctoral Candidate through Minnesota University’s School of Metaphysical Sciences, earning her PhD in Metaphysical Counseling. Magnifying her gifts of teaching and healing, Janeen owns Good Vibrations Energy Clinic, LLC using holistic healing modalities such as Quantum Touch, Quantum Healing, Meridian Clearing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, Homeopathy, Healing Gemstones as Medicine, Biofeedback, Nutritive Emotional Clearing, Theta Healing, Theta Yogic Breathing, Reiki, and Perspective Flipping for Emotional Clearing. Her website is www.GoodVibrationsEnergyClinic.com.