Chris Camillo

Chris Camillo

Chris Camillo manages for himself one of the world’s top performing personal stock portfolios, as verified by, the largest portfolio tracking service in the world. His portfolio, ranked Number One in 2010 by among all portfolios valued at over $250k, has averaged triple digit annual returns for two of the past three years. In just over three years, Camillo grew an $85k stock portfolio to over $2 million. Prior to taking early retirement at the age of 35 (as a result of his investing profits), Camillo worked as a market research executive at Research Now (formerly e-Rewards Market Research) where he was responsible for building and managing the largest youth research panel in North America. His jobs over the years have included washing and selling cars, delivering pizza, assisting a major Hollywood agent, and folding clothes at The GAP. The only finance jobs he has held were brief college internships with Dean Witter and Fidelity Investments.