Swami Shankardev Saraswati

Swami Shankardev Saraswati

Dr Swami Shankardev Saraswati is an eminent yoga Acharya (authority), medical doctor, yoga therapist and internationally acclaimed author and seminar presenter. He has toured extensively throughout India, Europe, the USA and Australia teaching yoga, meditation, psychology, philosophy, yoga therapy, and Ayurveda. His teachings integrate western psychological medicine and psychotherapy with eastern methods of mind-body development. A direct disciple of Swami Satyananda Saraswati, he lived in the Bihar School of Yoga India for 10 years (1974–1985), where he was trained to teach the highest practices of yoga-tantra. During this time he wrote and edited many of the books on Yoga and Yoga Therapy published by the Bihar School of Yoga. These include Yogic Management of Asthma and Diabetes, The Effects of Yoga on Hypertension, and The Practices of Yoga for the Digestive System. With his partner Jayne Stevenson he is the cofounder of Big Shakti which produces Guided Meditations, Online Courses and Seminars for health, wellbeing and spiritual development. Big Shakti combines the best of ancient wisdom and modern science. It provides you with information and practical skills to gain health and wellbeing. Big Shakti has made these ancient sciences accessible for those who desire deeper knowledge, but lead busy lives. Choose the type of learning that suits your lifestyle. Here you will find information on how to use our Guided Meditations, eCourses, eSeminars, Articles and Learning Blogs. Shakti is the creative power in you. It enables you to create health and to evolve yourself. Shakti is your glow, your feeling of wellbeing and your love for life. When shakti is directed inwards it empowers you to raise your consciousness so that you experience yourself as a universal being. Shakti is the essence of health, happiness and meaning and purpose in your life. Anything that has shakti is alive, luminous and desirable and possesses great creative power. Without shakti you could not act, think or feel in any way. www.BigShakti.com