Julian Bauer

Julian Bauer

Julian Bauer loves science and had a dream to create an Environmental Science AP program at his high school. He didn’t let the fact that he was a student, not a teacher, stop him. Thanks to the staff at El Molino High School who supported him, and the folks at Bread for the Journey of Sonoma County who believed in him enough to give him a $1,000 grant, his dream has become a reality. El Molino’s campus lies within the headwater area of Green Valley Creek, which drains to the Russian River in Sonoma County. The River provides habitat for endangered salmon and steelhead, drinking water and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors. Together the students developed a stewardship map for the school campus, including maps with drainage, vegetation, soils, habitat, and inventory of plant and wildlife species; monitored the water quality on campus to identify pollutants, their sources, and where they end up; and developed solutions for water quality improvement.