Andrea Morisette Grazzini

Andrea Morisette Grazzini

Andrea Morisette Grazzini is a writer, leader and innovator. She is CEO of, an online participatory democracy start-up company. She founded the cross-sector civil discourse initiative DynamicShift, in 2009. Her work has influenced numerous global and national conversations on co-productive change. Among them are American Commonwealth Partnership, American Democracy Project and the White House Office for Public Engagement. She has been featured and/or quoted on her civic engagement work in numerous media, including: The New York Times, Fox News, PBS and The Wall Street Journal; and four books, including: The Citizen Solution, How You Can Make A Difference by Harry C. Boyte. She is co-author of phenomenological research on the topic of Collaborative Relationships. Commentary by Andrea can be found at the DynamicShift Blog, and on numerous other forums, including conversations at TEDTalks.