Geof Kirby

Geof Kirby

Geof Kirby grew up in Florida, where he was bullied and picked on almost every year of school. At the age of 13 he moved to Tennessee, hoping for a fresh start in a place where no one knew who he was. However, things continued to get worse all the way to his Junior year of high school, when he decided that the only way to fix things was to take his own life. The attempt failed, but things continued to get worse. Struggling with depression and mental instability, self-harming began to take hold, ruling his life. It would be another two years of this struggle before he would finally find the freedom to move on and live in forgiveness. Five years out from finding freedom, he connected with Bill Cornelius, director of "Hear Me Now", and became involved with the project, hoping that in telling his story, others would find hope to stand up and continue fighting back against bullying and the damage it does. He currently lives in Franklin, TN with his wife and daughter.