Josh Knauer

Josh Knauer

Josh Knauer is President & CEO of Rhiza Labs, a company that makes business intelligence analyticc software, He has been a social entrepreneur for the past 20 years, creating and leading successful organizations in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. His ability to spot emerging trends in technology and how they can be used for the betterment of society and the environment have caused him to be considered a leading expert in the field. In Spring of 2010, Josh was appointed by the Obama Administration to a working group of President Obama’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. He’s been featured in Time, Fortune, Newsweek and Wired magazines, and was even named a New Media Hero by the Utne Reader. Josh has led the MAYA Design’s Information Commons project. founded and served as CEO of Green Marketplace, a clearing-house for socially and environmentally responsible products, services and information, whic founded and served as Executive Director of the EnviroLink Network, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to helping organizations adopt emerging technologies, and was one of the first .orgs on the Internet. he currently serves on the following Boards of Directors: • Social Venture Network • Institute for Global Communications • EnviroLink Network • Rhiza Labs • Call2Action