Eson Crist

Eson Crist

Eson Crist, author of "The Holy Grail; Building a Powerful World", had a tremendous spiritual awakening one night at a very low point that put all of the pieces of information together in his head. 'The Holy Grail' reveals the secrets of the Universe by understanding how energy flows. The book details how to harness massive amounts of energy to create strength and value. By understanding how the Universe operates, we can simply modify our input parameters to create the result we desire. If one contains a high level of value and possesses a high degree of strength, people and money will follow...abundance is attracted to you and not 'chased like a dog'. Discover the truth about how everything works...and Why 90% of society is programmed to lose their money. Eson believes this is the secret held by the top .05% of income earners. His mission is to share this secret with the rest of society and advance society as a whole by offering this powerful and valuable information to the world.