Cari Moffet

Cari Moffet

Cari Moffet is the owner of Wholelife Wellness in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan. She has been a Registered Massage Therapist for 15 years and uses Hot Stones, Essential Oils and Reiki to enhance her clients’ experience. She is a Reiki Master and offers classes throughout the year. She has helped create and organize the Holistic Wellness Fair in Meadow Lake. Cari employs 4 brilliant women and works with 6 contract workers including her husband who practices Chiropractic at Wholelife. She is a visionary and has created her business through dreams, visions, mentors, journaling and hard work. Recently, the Meadow Lake Chamber of Commerce has awarded Wholelife Wellness with Meadow Lake’s Business of the Year Award for 2013. Cari’s next dream is creating a teaching studio in her business to personally coach and mentor massage therapists who may be need a hand in the business and energetic components of their practice. Website Email: