Liam Phillips

Liam Phillips

As a child I learned at an early age that I did not fit in, I learned that I was a slow learner, dyslexic, ADD and mildly Autistic. I was partially deaf for the first 5 years of my life. I learned that these things were all wrong. I came to the conclusion that I was wrong. Then later I created a horrendous disease that took my body and me to the limit. In truth I really did not want to be a part of this reality any longer and disease was a way out. This was where curing the incurable really started. Yet I knew there was something else, I knew that life is not about having the biggest TV or THE sexiest women or the most money. I knew that there was something bigger than all the judgment and all that this reality has to offer. This is where Access Consciousness came in to my life. Deep down do you know that too? What if you could have access to that? What if you could be the difference you truly be?