Bill  Frezza

Bill Frezza

Bill Frezza: In the 35 years since Bill graduated from MIT with degrees in electrical engineering and biology he has been a scientist, an engineer, a product manager, a salesman, a consultant, an entrepreneur, an author, a technology evangelist, and a venture capitalist. His early career on high-tech’s bleeding edge included the development of first generation electronic newspapers, home banking, home shopping, cable modems, multi-user videogames, wireless LANs, and wireless email, all of which became a success – for someone else a decade later. His subsequent 15 years as a venture capital investor working with early stage telecom, semiconductor, and biotech startups allowed him to add more scar tissue to his existing collection. Bill is a Fellow in Technology and Entrepreneurship at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and a contributing columnist for, the Huffington Post, and Bio-IT World. Bill was a finalist for the 2011 Hoiles Prize for excellence in American journalism.