Chuck & Diane  Kyd

Chuck & Diane Kyd

Chuck and Diane Kyd cofounded Camphill Communities in Ontario, Home to 30 residents, 70 staff, and 15 day participants, it’s located on 290 rural acres near Angus and at downtown Barrie. Since their training in Camphill Special Schools in Pennsylvania, they’ve transitioned many people with complex needs from a disability-focused to a person-directed culture. Their approach to seamless flows of supports welcomes and nourishes individual needs and choices, expands skills and interests, and helps create networks of sustainable supports and friendships. They believe in the gift of safe and happy relationships and that people with complex needs need our help in developing and maintaining those relationships. Their goal is developing strong and skilled staff of supporters, facilitating a warm circle of family and friends, and creating opportunities for each individual to have choices, meaningful work, social and cultural experiences in a safe and joyful context.