Delia  Horwitz

Delia Horwitz

Delia Horwitz is an entrepreneur, collaboration specialist, leadership coach and professional facilitator. In addition to founding and owning several businesses, she has extensive experience helping good people do great things….together: strategic planning with non-profit Boards of Directors, teambuilding with small and large corporations, goal setting with City Councils, corporate culture work with Fortune 500 senior leadership teams, and visioning with community stakeholders. She even taught collaboration in Moscow, and her Achieving Agreement Workbook is used as curriculum in the Russian schools. Delia is also co-founder and served for three years as Executive Director of Leadership Santa Barbara County. In addition to partnering with Paula Vigneault to write COLLABORATION SOUP:A Six-Step Recipe for Co-Creative Meetings and Other Conversations, she is the author of The Achieving Agreement Workbook and Letters From My Future Self.