Kaileigh  Hennessey

Kaileigh Hennessey

My husband and I were drowning in debt. We had been praying for something to change. Despite the debt and the stress, we were blessed with two children and because of some help from my church, I was able to stay home with them. We were struggling paycheck to paycheck and we were barely scraping by when 17 months ago that prayer was answered. With $150 in our checking account, we made a leap of faith and I became a Beachbody Coach. In the first month I could only afford the $40 to get started. I couldn't even afford to buy Shakeology. The next month I could. Beachbody has allowed me to make a better life for my family and has given me the opportunity now to help others do the same. We have been able to pay off 7 of our debts with only a few large debts left. I am determined to help people, and reach my goals for my family. Is it always easy? No! Is it worth it? Yes! God never said it would be easy!