Linda Rosenbaum

Linda Rosenbaum

Linda Rosenbaum’s new book, ‘Not Exactly as Planned: A memoir of adoption, secrets and abiding love’ was published in 2014. It’s a memoir about her family and the unexpected challenges of raising their son Michael, adopted at birth, diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome at age six. She’s been a freelance writer and editor for over thirty years, and has written for major newspapers and magazines. The precursor to ‘Not Exactly as Planned’ won the Canada Writes Reader’s Choice Award in 2013 for Creative Non-fiction. Born in Detroit, she attended George Washington University in Washington, D.C. and moved to Canada in 1970. She earned a graduate degree in public health from the University of Toronto, worked for City of Toronto’s public health department and the Ontario government’s Ministry of Citizenship. Since her son’s diagnosis she’s become an advocate for children with FASD and other special needs. She blogs at