Raabia Hawa

Raabia Hawa

Born in Kenya in 1982, Raabia Hawa wanted to learn about wildlife- through books, places and people over her childhood years around Africa she took on an active a role in conservation awareness and solutions about elephants and all wildlife alike, through Kenyan media. In July 2011, she was appointed Kenyan Wildlife Service Honorary Warden by the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, and has since been able to further her actions and mission. She has also anchored news and wildlife stories from the field for an American-based television station and continues to work with and feature in short conservation-based documentaries in a bid to raise awareness on poaching. In September 2014 Raabia’s founded and registered Ulinzini Foundation, launching in July this year to cater both Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Rangers and non-armed community rangers, and citizenry as well.