Richard J. Maybury

Richard J. Maybury

Richard J. Maybury is the publisher of U.S. World Early Warning Report for Investors. He has written several entrylevel, common sense books on United States economics, law, and history. His writing style is mostly in an epistolary form, usually as an uncle writing to his nephew, answering questions. Maybury had taught economics in high school. Failing to find a book with a clear explanation of economics, he wrote one himself. Some of his books include Uncle Eric Talks About Personal, Career Financial Security a book that is basically the foundation for his other books about the model perspective Higher Law, Whatever Happened to Penny Candya book that explains the history of the United States economic model and how it was based on freemarket Austrian economics and Whatever Happened to Justiceabout his naturalist philosophical viewpoints regarding the foundations of Americas legal system, British Common Law, the law of the Franks, and early Christian Ireland.