Janine Talty

Janine Talty

Dr. Janine Talty, today a successful osteopathic physician, as a child found herself bewildered by a world full of challenges that she could not understand. She felt isolated, unable to cope with the regular life issues that other children managed easily. She could not comprehend math or spelling—yet she could see energies that others could not see, and had levels of awareness than no-one around her possessed. She spontaneously remembered and drew pictures from “old memories” of places her family had never visited. Only as she grew into adulthood, painfully learning to cope with her challenges, did she realize she was an "indigo," one of a generation of people with unusual talents and abilities, yet who rarely fit neatly into societal roles. Her book, Indigo Awakening, tells the experience of indigos from the inside out, and shows how their puzzling and painful experiences are paving the way for the emergence of a new way of being, in harmony with self, other, the world and the universe: www.indigoawakening.com