Brian Fleming

Brian Fleming

Brian Fleming, Veteran of the Afghanistan war and author of Never the Same: Overcoming the Attack of a Suicide Bomber, shares his story of being badly burned and overcoming his physical and emotional wounds. With many veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, it is a timely message. Brian’s story of struggle, perseverance, courage and hope is one from which we all can benefit. He shares how he is applying the lessons from his traumatic experience to help others. Brian demonstrates the power of faith and purpose to overcome any trial. One of the most mature young men you will meet, Brian is a model for young and old alike. Tune in and be inspired. The show informs and encourages listeners to achieve their career goals by featuring experts and business leaders on job search and career advancement. Show hosts are Ken and Sheryl Dawson, principals of Total Career Success, Inc. and authors of Job Search: The Total System, 3rd edition. For more visit www.betterjobbetterlife.