Robert Cialdini

Robert Cialdini

Dr. Robert Cialdini, NYT bestselling author of Influence: Science and Practice and Yes, 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive, will share six fundamental principles of influence based on years of research: Reciprocity – Give first; Scarcity – Promote the unique aspects of your product or service; Authority – Be clear about your expertise; Consistency – Find the values/goals of the person to be influenced and make your request consistent with them; Consensus – Demonstrate that similar others are moving in the same direction; Liking – Identify similarities with the person to be persuaded and bring them to the surface. These approaches can dramatically improve the ability to influence people in all walks of life. The show informs and encourages listeners to achieve their career goals by featuring experts and business leaders on job search and career advancement. Show hosts are Ken and Sheryl Dawson, principals of Total Career Success, Inc. and authors of Job Search: The Total System. For 7 free videos: