Susan Anthony

Susan Anthony

Dr. Susan Anthony In the fast lane with its desperate consequences and important life lessons, Dr. Susan Anthony now enjoys a happy and harmonious existence that reflects her divine calling, working tirelessly as an international spiritual teacher, healer and author. She has been initiated into some of the greatest grand master lineages on earth. She is also an initiate of the Shamanic Path and has studied most of the energetic healing modalities of the world. She was recently awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Divinity by one of the leading USA Schools of Divinity. As a result of several near death experiences, she has been blessed to receive through 'direct knowing' vital spiritual knowledge (gnosis) at this crucial crossroads in human evolution. This has enabled her to develop a practical, formula for life-changing miracles. Today she regularly consults to pillars of society, heads of billion dollar corporations, commissioners of police, heads of government agencies, MP's and celebrities.