Paul Zook

Paul Zook

Paul Zook was born in and has lived in Lethbridge, Alberta, all his life. Since 1978, he’s been a Power Electrician for the City of Lethbridge. In the same year he married Kim. They have daughters Nicole and Kaeley. In 1989 Kim was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. She’s now confined to a wheelchair, has no use of her left arm and only limited use of her right arm. He’s been her full-time caregiver throughout. Her care has been a challenge but, he stresses, her fantastic attitude since the day she was diagnosed has made it all so much easier. Our biggest obstacle, he says, has always been the costs associated with being disabled. He notes that, over the 20 years, so very little in the way of treatment has been offered to her. Chronic cerebro-spinal venous insufficiency treatment is the first thing that seemed to offer some hope. She wanted to try it and, as her caregiver and husband, he says, he felt he must try to give her that chance. And that’s what they did.