Carl  Safina

Carl Safina

Carl Safina is president of Blue Ocean Institute, He has written five books—Song for the Blue Ocean; Eye of the Albatross: Visions of Hope and Survival; Voyage of the Turtle; Nina Delmar: The Great Whale Rescue; The View from Lazy Point: A Natural Year in an Unnatural World, and due out in April, A Sea in Flames: The Deepwater Horizon Oil Blowout. Safina has M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in ecology from Rutgers University. While observing foraging terns for his doctoral degree, he noticed declines in creatures that shared the terns’ realm–striped bass, tuna, marlin, sharks, and other fish, as well as sea turtles. Carl Safina lives in Amagansett, on Long Island, with Patricia Paladines and her daughter Alexandra. They have several pets, including a rescue dog, a king snake, a rose-haired tarantula, a rabbit, and a goldfish. Safina’s leisure activities take him outdoors; besides fishing, he enjoys snorkeling, scuba diving, clamming, kayaking, and bird watching.