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Inspiring End-of-Life Conversations

Inspiring End-of-Life Conversations

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September 23rd 2020: Conversations with Scars

The first time Margaret was really exposed to death and the concept of what it means to die, she was 10 years old. A girl from the summer camp that she had been attending for a few years had died and they had a memorial at camp that summer. She died from complications related to Spina Bifida, a birth defect they both shared. A device, called a shunt, that drains excess fluid from her head, had stopped working and they couldn’t fix it. When she heard what happened, Margaret became terrified at the thought that at any moment that could happen to her, too. She spent countless hours and days livin

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Margaret Lennon

Despite being only 34 years old, Margaret has already experienced a lifetime of loss. At ten years of age, she was exposed to death for the first time, when a friend died from complications from their shared disability. That same year, both of Margaret’s parents were diagnosed with cancer, causing her to live in fear of both her own potential death, and that of either or both of her parents. Two years later, Margaret’s dad died in what was for her a very unexpected traumatic situation which would start her on a 20-year journey to find life and hope in the face of repeated loss.   With help from a lot of therapy, grief groups, writing and volunteering at a hospice, Margaret has been able to f
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