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Leadership Development News

Monday 9 AM PT

January 7th 2013: Barack Obama: Leadership Competencies that Propelled his Second Term

President Obama won a hard fought second term and Time recently named him the person of the year for 2012. Time stated “he is the 21st Century version of the new American He is more than just a political figure he is a cultural one.” Leadership experts Drs. Greenberg and Nadler will unpack the leadership components that allowed him to be reelected as our 44th president. They will highlight his Emotional Intelligence leadership competencies that are the foundation of his personality and appeal. What did he do to appeal to so many different kinds of Americans? What EI competencies did h

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Share Email Share this E-mail 03/05/2024 05:00 03/05/2024 06:00 Leadership Development News President Obama won a hard fought second term and Time recently named him the person of the year for 2012. Time stated “he is the 21st Century version of the new American He is more than just a political figure he is a cultural one.” Leadership experts Drs. Greenberg and Nadler will unpack the leadership components that allowed him to be reelected as our 44th president. They will highlight his Emotional Intelligence leadership competencies that are the foundation of his personality and appeal. What did he do to appeal to so many different kinds of Americans? What EI competencies did he use? What can you learn to emulate from his Fearless leadership? What derailers were present in his campaign? What are the main aspects of good decision makin? How does he manage his emotions? What can we expect from him in the next four years? Tune in to tune up your performance and hear what 35,000 people a month are hearing. VoiceAmerica | Talk Radio | Online Talk Radio false DD/MM/YYYY Add to Calendar
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