Dick Rauscher

Dick Rauscher

My guest this week is Dick Rauscher. He’s an ordained Elder, a Fellow in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors in private practice, a Life Coach, and Writer/Editor of the Stonyhill-Nuggets Newsletter with much to say on the subject of 21st Century Spirituality. Dick believes that until we learn to embrace a more enlightened observing ego consciousness, our primitive ego will continue to create unhappiness for ourselves and others, it will continue to use black-and-white thinking to create judgment and conflict in our relationships with others, and most importantly, regardless of our religious beliefs, it will keep us from growing and evolving. Join me for a lively and informative interview with an expert on this week’s topic. To learn more about Dick’s work on the planet go to: www.stonyhill.com Remember, call us toll free with your questions at: 1-866-472-5795.