Steve & Lokita Carter

Steve & Lokita Carter

Since 1999, Steve & Lokita have taught over 15,000 people in hundreds of workshops and Tropical Tantra vacations at resorts across the USA, Canada and Costa Rica. Based in California, they are also faculty of Omega Institute, New York Open Center and many other respected organizations. Steve & Lokita are licensed SkyDancing Tantra teachers at the highest level, and the directors of the USA SkyDancing Tantra Institute, chosen by Margot Anand in 2007 as her lineage holders and representatives in the USA. Steve & Lokita Carter's approach is that "Tantra is a lifestyle" in which celebrating, embracing and harnessing our sexual - life force - energy can transform our whole life into a spiritual experience. They are lauded for creating in their events a safe and sacred environment, filled with love, humor, sensuality, respect and depth, allowing profound learning and healing for couples and singles alike.