Gordon Davidson

Gordon Davidson

Gordon Davidson, co-founder & President of The Center for Visionary Leadership. He is author of Joyful Evolution, co-author of Spiritual Politics, The Practical Visionary, and Builders of the Dawn. Gordon has served as Executive Director of The Social Investment Forum and of The Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies. Gordon asks this: Would you like to experience more joy in your daily life? Most people are controlled by their subconscious, which creates inner stress & disharmony and undercuts their success in life. A U.S. News & World Report article on “Mysteries of the Mind” stated that Harvard researchers found 95% of all people’s decisions are made by their subconscious, rather than their conscious mind. Gordon offers insights & techniques to help create a more joyful and creative life by “communicating directly with your subconscious & your higher self.”Join Cheryl Esposito & Gordon Davidson on this episode of Leading Conversations to learn to bring joy on purpose to your world, a Joyful Evolution!