Carmen Caserta

Carmen Caserta

Carmen Caserta is a singer-songwriter who traded in law school to pursue her dream of being in the music industry. Carmen began singing in her school chorus and church choir at the age of six and quickly discovered her affinity for music. Music reached Carmen in a way no other force ever had. But it wasn’t until she was eighteen that the words she’d been writing began to channel themselves in song. At nineteen, Carmen packed her passion for music and an upright piano on loan from her cousin and moved from her native Los Angeles to San Diego, determined to find the songs inside her. The piano became her best friend and she taught herself how to play! Writing her life down on paper, turning it into music, and sharing it with you are vital to Carmen’s life. Co-produced with renowned singer/songwriter/producer Astra Kelly, Carmen’s entirely self-written debut album “The Hive” is a courageous emotional disrobing revealed through intensely honest lyrics both deeply personal and universally relatable.