Atarangi Muru and Manu Korwea

Atarangi Muru and Manu Korwea

Atarangi Muru and Manu Korwea are both Maori healers from Aotearoa – New Zealand. See Their healing training started at a very early age. Today Atarangi and Manu help people return to the dawning light that is at the core of their cells and reignite the memory of wellness and joy. They embody a powerful ancient skill set that is nearly extinct in the world today. While Maori external modalities range from deep tissue to gentle massage, they also work with the invisible world and the subtle energy bodies that extend beyond and within the physical form. Their sessions often include healing music, prayers and a wealth of knowing. Hear Manu Maori Healers became widely known through the work of master teacher Hohepa Delamere, fondly known as Papa Joe and Atarangi Muru Maori Healer. In 2000 Maori Healers went international when Papa Joe and Atarangi took their healing arts to the world. With each international journey they provided opportunities for other Maori Healers trained by Papa Joe to travel with them. Papa Joe passed over on 21 September 2006. Knowledge of the special nature of Maori Healers has continued to spread far and wide. was established by Atarangi to enable people worldwide to keep connected with the Maori Healers in her network. Atarangi continues to travel abroad and provide other Maori Healers with the opportunity to share their services at international levels. She is now one of Maoridoms most respected healers. Her work is deep, unique, uplifting, enlivening and rewarding physically and spiritually. She is an example of the ‘living works’ of ancestral teaching. To the many who have met Manu, “he can be very basic, cussy and sometimes downright rude”. Yet inside this man, hides a wealth of knowing (knowing and knowledge are two different things). Contact:; and read much more here :