Robyn O’Brien

Robyn O’Brien

Founder of Allergy Kids "I was completely clueless about food allergies, which is what my pediatrician diagnosed when I called him. And that’s when my education began. That night I sat down at the computer and started researching, and I was stunned at how prevalent the problem had become in the last ten years and how little information there really was about it. I thought, it’s tough enough to protect my child in my own home; how will I protect her when she’s old enough to be at school? Or at friends’ houses? It dawned on me that there had to be a universal symbol for food allergies the way there’s a pink ribbon for breast cancer, so allergy kids could be identified. And so that night I sat down and sketched out that symbol, which became the bright green “stop sign” shape stickers I’ve been trying to get into the hands of parents of the millions of children with allergies." From HEALTHY CHILD HEALTHY WORLD. Reprinted by arrangement with Plume, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Copyright (c) 2009 by Healthy Child Healthy World. Robyn O'Brien authored "The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick and What We Can Do About It." A former food industry analyst and mother of four, Robyn brings insight, compassion and detailed analysis to her research into the impact that the global food system is having on the health of our children. She founded and was named by Forbes as one of "20 Inspiring Women to Follow on Twitter." The New York Times has passionately described her as "Food's Erin Brockovich" and her work has been critically-acclaimed by Dr. Oz, Dr. Bob Sears, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Erin Brockovich, Yoko Ono and others. You can learn more at