Jo Ashline

Jo Ashline

Jo Ashline is first and foremost mom to her two sons: Andrew, who is ten and has autism, epilepsy, and cystic fibrosis, and who possesses a deep passion for big rigs and shiny soup cans, and Ian, who is eight, loves striped socks and sweatbands, and happens to be the greatest little “older brother” in the world. Jo is passionate about writing, especially about her experiences raising her special needs son and is dedicated to promoting compassion and community with her special needs column, This Modified Life with OC Moms for The Orange County Register. She’s also the lead blogger on The Mom Blog with OC Moms for The Orange County Register. Jo also shares her perspective on her personal blog, A Sweet Dose of Truth. She advocates for children with special needs, pokes fun of family members and candidly explores a variety of other topics. Jo covets the rare occasion she can finish a cup of coffee before it gets cold, and loves her life in a way that makes other people roll their eyes in annoyance.,,,,,