Norma Hollis

Norma Hollis

Norma Hollis was born on December 21, which is the Winter Solstice and will be the world’s Birth Day in 2012! Norma believes she came into this lifetime with a purpose, and at age eight, she began to listen intently to the voices within her. Her inner voice led her to years of study and contemplation, and at age twenty-eight, she began to find her direction. She was told that her purpose was to help people understand that the secret of life comes from within. Norma then spent thirty years studying the human energy system from a personal, professional and spiritual perspective. She took all she learned and became a transformational speaker, traveling to twenty cities to share her discoveries. Now she has written about the Nine Vibrational Energies, revealed over a lifetime of channeled instruction, and wants to share how we can align our energy, become more authentic and complete our earthly assignment. Contact her at