Joyce Hawkes

Joyce Hawkes

Joyce Hawkes, Ph.D., is a biophysicist and cell biologist who completed her doctorate in biophysics at Pennsylvania State University and was a postdoctoral fellow with the National Institutes of Health before settling in Seattle to work in research for the National Marine Fisheries Service, a part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She earned an international reputation for her scientific contributions in the field of ultrahigh-speed laser effects on pigment cells and the effects of environmental pollutants on fish. After a near-death experience, Joyce embarked on an extensive exploration of spiritual and healing traditions in Western and Eastern cultures. From a master’s degree in ministry at a Jesuit University to Hindu temples in remote parts of Bali, she learned to work as the interface between the miracle of the body’s cells and the wisdom of healing traditions. Since 1984, Joyce has devoted herself to facilitating and teaching healing. Contact: