Jeff Brown

Jeff Brown

Jeff began his career with a law degree, an apprenticeship with a famous criminal Laywer, and on the track of conventional success. On the verge of opening his law practice, he heard a voice inside telling him to stop. With great difficulty, he listened and began a heartfelt quest for the truth that lived inside him.On his way to that truth, Jeff studied body-centered psychotherapy and bioenergetics, was taught by “the school of heart knocks,” and dove deep into his inner work where he left no emotional stone unturned. Out of his journey, Jeff authored “soulshaping,” a grounded and magical inner travelogue,” that teaches people how to turn inward and access their own soul and a new book of inspirational quotes titled “ascending with both feet on the ground.” He is also featured in the new documentary, Karmegeddon, which includes dialogues between Jeff and spiritual teacher Ram Dass, yogis Seane Corn and David Newman, and chanters Deva Premal and Miten. He can be found on the web at