Peter Sterlacci

Peter Sterlacci

Japan’s Personal Branding Pioneer, Peter Sterlacci speaks about using personal branding to enhance success. As a long-term resident of Japan—where “fitting in” is the cultural norm—Peter intimately understands the challenges facing Japanese to “stand-out” and is dedicated to empowering on-the-move careerists in global companies in Japan to “break away” from the pack and ride to success. Certified in Personal Branding by the global leader, Reach, Peter has adapted this proven methodology for Japanese audiences. He also capitalizes on his 21-year career in training and development and his passion for cycling in his powerful messaging. Peter’s clients include: Procter & Gamble Japan, Eli Lilly Japan, American Chamber of Commerce Japan, en World, Hilton Hotel, Foreign Executive Women Kansai, Kyoto University, Kansai Gaidai University, Konan University School of Management. Learn more about Peter at: (English site) -or- (Japanese site).