Diane Dimond

Diane Dimond

A breaking crime story often finds Diane Dimond’s thoughtful commentary on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, or Court TV. At the center of countless major news stories during her award winning career, Diane may be best known for first exposing the child molestation charges against Michael Jackson. She was the first to report on the rape at the Kennedy compound in Palm Beach, FL & to identify William Kennedy Smith as the accused. She is known for her hard-hitting interviews with prison inmates including James Earl Ray, the assassin of Martin Luther King Jr. & is the only reporter to have ever interviewed Richard Allen Davis, the killer of Polly Klass. Besides being a Special Correspondent for Newsweek/The Daily Beast & having a nationally syndicated weekly newspaper column, she is the author of two books, Be Careful Who You Love: Inside the Michael Jackson Case , & Cirque Du Salahi – Be Careful Who You Trust , the story of Michaele and Tareq Salahi, better known as the White House Gate Crashers.