Darius Dinshah

Darius Dinshah

Darius Dinshah, born in 1927 and was educated at home. His training in the theory and practice of Spectro-Chrome therapy began at an early age and eventually he received the degree of Spectro-Chrome Normalator when his father, Dinshah P. Ghadiali (the origina­tor of Spectro-Chrome Therapy) died in 1966. Darius assumed the Presidency of the Visible Spectrum Research Insti­tute, however, due to continuing legal restrictions, he dissolved the Institute in 1975 and formed an IRS-recognized educational, nonprofit corporation: Dinshah Health Society. While alternative therapies are slowly gaining recognition and acceptance, relatively few realize the remarkable effectiveness and safety of Spectro-Chrome, a form of color therapy in use since 1920 for the most part by laypersons.