Peter Trayhurn

Peter Trayhurn

Peter Trayhurn is a 47 year old from Sydney Australia. He is married with 2 Children, and at the moment he is has fulltime involvement in his own survivorship. He describes himself as a fighter, a lover, risk-taker and optimist whose passion has been to explore the world with his cameras, capturing moments in and out of the sea. He almost drowned in the Chandelier cave, Palau in Micronesia; has been head to head with an angry bull shark, was lost at sea and has had a life full of close encounter adventures. His greatest close encounter with death has been dealing with colo-rectal cancer which he has approached in a focused and dedicated manner, just as he has done with other life challenges. He says he has been saved by Jesus, strangers, friends, nurses and doctors. He lives passionately everyday with hope and love and never ever gives up. His rescue photos have miraculously travelled the globe. He says: “I pray the real survivor message touches many people and saves lives, mine included.”