Dr Ernest Jermin

Dr Ernest Jermin

Dr Ernest Jermin is a double boarded psychiatrist who works with children and adults. Dr jermin received his training in general psychiatry in New York at Suny Downstate and trained in Child and Adolescent psychiatry at the Institute of Living in Hartford. Dr Jermin also has a Master's of Public Health from Tulane university. Prior to becoming a psychiatrist Dr Jermin worked in New York as a high school teacher, and credits alot of his time in that role as the impetus to his decision to become a psychiatrist. Presently he works in the community seeing some adults, but spends most of his time working with children and adolescents. His area of interest are diverse, however he finds his fulfillment in his role in preventive mental health, which often entails advocating for services for his patients and educating his patients and their families about diagnoses and misperceptions of mental health.