Rev. Dr. Chrys L.  Parker, J.D.

Rev. Dr. Chrys L. Parker, J.D.

Rev. Dr. Chrys L. Parker, J.D. is a nationally known authority in the field of traumatic stress and PTSD. She serves the comprehensive needs of severely traumatized patients and families, particularly those impacted by military service, sexual assault, and critical burns. The unique nature of Rev. Dr. Parker's service to others is shaped by her unusual breadth of expertise, gained in the course of almost 40 years of work with thousands of individuals in her various roles as (l) clinical chaplain, (2) pastoral counselor and psychotherapist, (3) allied medical services professional, (4) director of non-profit organizations serving the traumatized, (5) lawyer and forensic expert and (6) author, academic professor and lecturer. In 2007, her work expanded to embrace additional functions as a military trainer, consulting expert and provider of specialized services under contract to the Department of the Army. Her services to over 5000 personnel in both the civilian and military sectors have been rendered throughout United States and in Iraqi Combat Theater of operations, where she served US forces in 2010 at the specific invitational orders of the Office of the CENTCOM Commanding General (now Army Chief of Staff) Raymond T. Odierno.