Ron Hoggan, Ed.D.

Ron Hoggan, Ed.D.

The 2002 book, Dangerous Grains by Ron Hoggan, Ed.D., (with co-author James Braly, MD) is one of the most comprehensive ever written about gluten. He is also the editor for The Journal of Gluten Sensitivity. Ron and his wife, Betty, live on Vancouver Island. While teaching high school students, Ron earned his master and doctoral degrees investigating gluten sensitivity and iron deficiency as factors in childhood learning and behavior problems. He now teaches university level alternative nutrition classes, on a part-time basis. He also tutors student with learning difficulties. Ron is currently writing a book about evolutionary, environmental, climatic, familial, and individual factors that should shape each person's diet. This paradigm is in sharp contrast with the one-diet-fits-all perspective and is tailored to meet individual needs for weight loss, meeting nutrient deficiencies, and avoidance of foods to which the individual is sensitized. Ron Hoggan’s Landline: 250-748-1167