Tate  Paulette

Tate Paulette

Tate Paulette is an archaeologist, specializing in Mesopotamia and the ancient Near East. His research revolves around the themes of risk, power, and inequality, with a particular focus on agricultural practices, human-environment dynamics, and gastro-politics. As an undergraduate, he studied Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh, and he is now a PhD Candidate in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago. His doctoral dissertation is a study of grain storage practices in Early Bronze Age (3000-2000 BC) Mesopotamia. He has conducted archaeological fieldwork in Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, Scotland, and the United States. His current research also includes an effort to model the growth and collapse of cities in Mesopotamia using agent-based computer simulations, an examination of early administrative devices using CT technology, and an attempt to recreate Sumerian beer.