Carrie  Birgbauer

Carrie Birgbauer

Carrie Birgbauer, M.A. has been an educator for 17 years and is also a certified money coach. As a former kindergarten master teacher, chief of staff, college tennis player and yoga instructor, she’s one of the most worldly people you’ll ever meet. At the age of 30, Carrie realized she had never balanced a checkbook, stuck to a budget or been able to sustain savings. She thought that financial freedom meant “swiping the card!” So began her quest for a financial education. She read innumerable books, tried Quicken, Mint, traditional financial therapy and even designed her own financial tracking software to no avail. At a friend’s suggestion, Carrie hired a money coach and, finally, found what she had been looking for. For the first time in her life, Carrie had access to essential financial tools, distinctions and awareness as well as an accountability partner to help her look at the emotional side and psychology of money. The effects were so profound and inspiring that Carrie completed the intensive financial counselor training program at the Financial Recovery Institute and started her own holistic money coaching practice.