Richard Nelson  Bolles

Richard Nelson Bolles

Dick Bolles—more formally known as Richard Nelson Bolles—is the author of What Color Is Your Parachute? A Practical Guide For Job-Hunters and Career Changers, the most popular job-hunting book in the world.

The book has sold more than 10,000,000 copies to date, and is dramatically updated, reshaped and rewritten, every year. The 2014 edition will be in bookstores, and online, a week from today. "Parachute", as it's often referred to, has been translated into 20 languages and is used in 26 countries. Dick is credited with founding the modern career counseling field (by career historians and pioneers such as the late Bernard Haldane), and is often described as the field's #1 celebrity. 

He has been featured in Forbes, The Economist, Business Week, Fortune, Money, Fast Company, and TIME. He has appeared on the Today show, CNN, CBS, ABC, PBS, and other popular media. Dick was chosen this year by Forbes Magazine, as one of 20 "Wealth Wizards" in the U.S.—(along with Warren Buffett, and 18 others)