Tara McFadden

Tara McFadden

Tara McFadden was born on February 3, 1992 with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. She has had 3 open-heart surgeries and spent a total of 2 years in the hospital when considering all three of her surgeries. Since her Fontan, Procedure, Tara has been able to do things just like heart-healthy children. She graduated from Ramapo High school in 2011 and is currently attending Ramapo College in NJ where she is working toward a degree in Social Work. Tara has had physical limitations just about all of her life. She cannot play competitive sports but she still swims and can do other activities like baking, watching historic films and taking photographs. In 5th grade, Tara was diagnosed with a processing disorder. This makes reading long passages or doing complicated math problems especially difficult for her. Despite her difficulties, she has found ways to overcome her problems. An active advocate in the congenital heart defect or CHD community, Tara supports Little Hearts and the CHD Coalition.