Sharon  Lechter

Sharon Lechter

A life-long education advocate, Sharon Lechter is the founder and CEO of Pay Your Family First, a financial education organization, and YOUTHpreneur, an innovative new way to spark the entrepreneurial spirit in our children. In 2009 Sharon was appointed to the National CPA Financial Literacy Commission as a national spokesperson on the topic of financial literacy. In 2008 Sharon was appointed to the first President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy. The Council served both President Bush and President Obama advising them on the need for financial literacy education. Sharon is an entrepreneur, author, philanthropist, educator, international speaker, licensed CPA, Chartered Global Management Accountant and, most importantly a mother and grandmother. She has been a pioneer in developing new technologies, programs and products to bring education into children’s lives in ways that are innovative, challenging and fun, and remains committed to education.